WearShare lets you share content (Text, Links, Images) with your Android Wear device.
- Share any text with WearShare and it will automatically appear as notification on your wrist. Long text are supported, too.
- Share images (e.g. via Gallery) and they will appear directly on your wrist (swipe for fullscreen)
- Share links with WearShare: if the http link is an image, it will be downloaded and displayed on your wrist. URL shortener are supported!
- Display the text of a Website on your Wear device using the Instapaper Mobilizer service.
*Possible use cases*
- Easily display QRCodes on your Wear device.
- Share a temporary mobile banking pin on your Wear device.
- Share and image to your Wear device so you have it available all the time.
- Read food recipes from the WWW on your Wear device.
- ...?
INTERNET: decode URLs from URL shortener services. Automatically download images from links to display them on your wear device.
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Needed to share images to your wear device (e.g. from Gallery)
Feedback is appreciated!
- 分享与WearShare任何文字,它会自动出现在通知你的手腕。长文本的支持,太。
- 共享图像(例如,通过画廊),他们会直接出现在你的手腕(刷卡为全屏)
- 与WearShare分享链接:如果http链接是一个图像,它会自动下载并在您的手腕上显示。 URL缩短的支持!
- 显示使用Instapaper的动员服务的磨损设备上的网站的文本。
- 轻松的磨损设备上显示QRCodes。
- 分享您的磨损设备的临时移动银行引脚。
- 分享和图像到您的磨损装置,使你拥有了它所有可用的时间。
- 阅读食品的食谱从磨损的设备上WWW。
- ...?