Wear Tatoo WatchFace is a wear App which turns your wear into Stylish wear tatoo watchface.
It turns your watchface into tatoo theme wear watchface.
Just "Tap and Hold" on the Home Screen and then select "Wear Tatoo WatchFace" and Enjoy!.
- Nice wear watchface.
- Support both Round wear watchface and Square wear watchface.
- Support both Interactive Mode and Ambient Mode.
- Just "Tap and Hold" on the Home Screen and select "Wear Tatoo WatchFace".
Usar Tatoo watchface é um desgaste App que transforma o seu uso em Stylish watchface desgaste tatoo.
Acontece seu watchface em tema tatoo desgaste watchface.
Apenas "toque e segure" na tela inicial e, em seguida, selecione "Usar Tatoo watchface" e Enjoy !.
- Nice watchface desgaste.
- Suporte a Rodada watchface desgaste e Praça watchface desgaste.
- Suporte tanto no Modo Interativo e Modo Ambient.
- Apenas "tocar e segurar" na tela inicial e selecione "Usar Tatoo watchface".