This clock shows the time and the position of the sun for your current location. The blue line shows how much time of the day is already gone.
- shows the solar time, sunrise and sunset times
- indicators for sunrise, sunset and zenith of the sun
- toggle the display of the seconds
- toggle between 12 and 24 hours
- the location is automatically updated when you move
- keeps the device awake, so it can be used as a real clock
- runs on Android watches as a watchface
- 显示太阳时,日出和日落时间
- 指标太阳的日出,日落和Zenith
- 切换秒的显示
- 12和24小时之间切换
- 当你移动位置会自动更新
- 保持清醒的设备,因此它可以被用来作为一个真正的时钟
- 在Android上运行的手表作为表盘