This is the first version. Bugs and suggestions please tell your email.
The program allows you to download e-books and text files from your phone to watch and read them.
Usage: When you first start on the sd-card will created folder - WearReader. Just copy the files into it and if they are supported, you will see them in the program and will be able to download to watch.
- Change the encoding of files before downloading
- Manage books from your mobile phone
- Change the background / color / text size
- Bookmarks
- Voice search
- Adding books from file manager over "Share"
- Support wrist gestures -
Supported formats: TXT / EPUB / FB2
这是第一个版本。 Bug和建议,请告诉您的电子邮件。
使用方法:当你第一次启动SD卡上会创建的文件夹 - WearReader。只需将文件复制到它,如果他们的支持,你会看到他们在节目中,将能够下载观看。
- 更改文件的编码下载前
- 从您的手机管理书籍
- 更改背景/颜色/文字大小
- 书签
- 声音搜索
- 添加从文件管理器的书籍在“共享”
- 支持手势手腕 -
支持格式:TXT / EPUB / FB2