Want to start music or podcast playback from your wrist?
Now with Playback Starter on your Android Wear Smartwatch you can!
Just tell your watch you want to "Start Playback" and it will show you the list of applications that will accept a start playback command.
The app you choose will be launched and told to start playback remotely.
Because some of the applications that say they will accept a playback command don't seem to do anything with them you can hide them from the app on your phone.
This app was inspired by Media Button Router and uses it's method for finding applications which can be told to start playback. ( https://code.google.com/p/media-button-router/ )
Playback Starter For Wear works very well with Google Play Music, Pocket Casts, Doggcatcher, Shuttle+, Saavn and Spotify.
现在在你的Android Wear的SmartWatch可以播放入门!
这个程序的设计灵感来自媒体按钮路由器,并使用它的方法寻找应用程序可以告诉开始播放。 (https://code.google.com/p/media-button-router/)