Fast, intuitive, and smart transit app for York Region, Ontario.
Search full bus schedules for any stop served by York Region Transit (YRT) by the 4-digit stop number, name, or street. Quickly look up stops based on route or on a map! Schedules include all Viva rapid transit routes.
☆ Maps: Quickly view all the bus stops on a map and find the one you're looking for. Tap the map icon under the routes view to view the route on a map.
☆ Notifications: Want to know when your buses arrive before you even ask? Set a recurring notification for a stop to get arrival times automatically popup on your phone or Android Wear device.
☆ Departure times: Navigate between Weekday, Saturday, or Sunday/Holiday schedules or pick the time you want to leave a given stop by tapping on the clock icon after you've looked up a stop.
☆ Route search: What buses go to York U? Search up a route number or destination to bring up a list of stops for that particular route.
☆ Favorites: Tap the star icon to gain quick access to a stop or route from the home screen. Because less work is cool.
☆ Nearby stops: Lost? Find nearby stops without using wifi or data! NextTransit calculates the distance to and orientation you should point your phone to get to each stop!
Take Note
Once unpacked, NextTransit will require approx. 19 MB of space on your phone memory. NextTransit may take up to a few minutes (depending on the device) on first launch to build the database on your phone.
Fine Print
This app is ad-supported. We are not affiliated with YRT. Coded with care at the UBC Vancouver campus.
☆邻近车站:忘了?找到没有使用WiFi或数据附近的站! NextTransit计算的距离和方向应该指向你的手机来通过每个停下来!
打开包装后,NextTransit将需要约。 19 MB的空间在您的手机内存。 NextTransit最多可能需要几分钟(取决于设备)上首次推出到您的手机上构建数据库。