Like a text or email filled with cash! Instant, free and global — travel between €, £ and $. Collect for the keg without losing your buzz, give your friend dough for the pizza, beg mom for rent money in emoji.
* Set up’s a snap. Literally. (Just take a pic of your debit card.)
* No limits on how much you send, receive or cash out
* Support from real, live human beings
* PIN and FCA-authorised
* Emojis, GIFs and photos
就像充满了现金短信或电子邮件!即时,免费的和全球的 - 间€,£和$出行。收集不失你的Buzz小桶,给你的朋友面团的比萨饼,讨要房租的钱妈妈的表情符号。
*设置的一个单元。从字面上看。 (只要看看您的借记卡的照片。)