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Appest Inc.

Reviews: 34 | Score: 4 | Price: Free

滴答清单,一款轻便的待办事项(Todo)、日程管理(GTD)应用,百万用户的共同选择。它可以帮你制定工作计划,设置会议提醒, 安排行程规划,记录备忘事项。滴答清单集计划、日程、备忘、笔记、便签、闹钟、日历、在线协作多种实用功能于一体,是你高效办公、便捷生活的得力助手。


-谷歌官方「Top Developer」称号




- 多平台同步:在手机、平板、网页等多个设备云同步,随时随地查看日程安排和备忘事项。

- 快速添加:支持「文本创建」、「语音输入」多种方式添加任务。

- 智能识别:自动识别快速添加任务时的日期和时间信息,为你设定提醒。

- 全能提醒:设置「多闹钟」、「重复」等多种自定义提醒方式,不会错过任何重要事情。

- 日历视图:在直观的日历视图中查看日程计划。轻松拖动任务即可实现管理。支持订阅第三方日历。

- 清晰分类:清单和文件夹可以管理任务,标签可以分类任务,优先级可以区分任务重要等级。

- 灵活排序:可按日期、标题、优先级等排序,让你的清单永远井井有条。

- 多种视图:支持「文本」和「列表任务」两种任务模式。可为任务添加图片、录音等附件。

- 团队协作:与同事共享项目计划,指派特定任务,实时跟踪项目进度,多人协同高效完成任务。

- 微信公众号:发送聊天内容或需要收藏的网页或到「滴答清单」微信公众号,快速创建任务,随时随地进行日程管理和知识储备。



滴答清单是一款不可多得的GTD效率工具,它有着清晰明了的界面设计、恰到好处的功能设置、稳定的同步服务,如果你还缺少一款简洁而有效的GTD时间管理工具,滴答清单是不错的选择。 -少数派

Tick ​​list, a light-dos (Todo), scheduling (GTD) applications, the common choice of millions of users. It can help you develop a work plan, set up meeting reminders, arrange travel plans, recording memo matters. Tick ​​list set plans, schedules, memos, notes, notes, alarm clock, calendar, online collaboration variety of practical functions in one, is your high office, assistant convenient life.

[Official] certainly

- Google official "Top Developer" title

- Pea pod "Design Award"

- Application of the most beautiful "2015 Annual Application"

Efficient planning []

- Multi-platform synchronization: multiple devices cloud mobile phone, tablet, web pages, sync, see the schedule and memo items on the go.

- Quick Add: Support for "Create Text", "voice input" a variety of ways to add tasks.

- Intelligent Recognition: Automatically recognizes date and time information quickly add tasks and set reminders for you.

- Almighty reminder: Set the "Multi-alarm", "repeat" and other custom alert manner, will not miss any important thing.

- Calendar view: view the schedule in an intuitive calendar view. Easily drag the task to manage. Subscribe support third-party calendar.

- Clear Category: Inventory and folders can be managed, mission, tags can be categorized task, task priority can be important to distinguish between levels.

- Flexible Sort: by date, title, priority, etc. sort, so that your list is always in order.

- Multiple views: Supporting "text" and "task list" mode both tasks. You can add pictures, sound recordings and other accessories for the task.

- Teamwork: Sharing project plans with colleagues, assign specific tasks, time tracking project progress, multiplayer cooperative and efficient completion of tasks.

- Micro-channel public number: send a chat or need or favorite pages to "tick list" micro-channel public number, to quickly create a task, perform scheduling and knowledge base anywhere.

Tick ​​list to help you easily plan, overcome procrastination, with efficient day to accomplish better themselves.

【Highly praised】

Tick ​​list is a rare GTD productivity tool, it has a clear interface design, feature set just right, stable synchronization service, if you lack a simple and effective GTD time management tool, is a good tick list s Choice. -minority